Recommended Reading

There are many books for kids of all ages to learn about the natural world, climate change, and what they can do to help. We’ve compiled some of our favorite children’s books below, and some for teenagers and adults as well! We’ve also shared reading lists from amazing organizations who are dedicated to informing and inspiring kids to face the climate crisis.

Explore the reading lists below for recommended reading for young children, teenagers, and parents.


 Sunsquatch’s Favorites: Books for Families to Read Together


 Sunsquatch’s Favorites: Books for Teens & Parents

 Recommended Sites

Depending on their age, kids should explore trusted, scientific sources, and engage first-hand with data about climate change. This will allow them to focus on the scientific facts about the climate crisis. It will also encourage them to prioritize forming their own understanding about these issues and how we can solve them, rather than rely solely on other people’s interpretations.

There are many great organizations whose websites enable kids and teenagers to engage with digestible yet comprehensive data. We recommend parents join their kids in familiarizing themselves with the hard facts of climate change, using some of our favorite informational sites below.

The Very Simple Climate Model: This interactive tool can help kids understand how the rate of fossil fuel pollution correlates to global warming. The model lets them try out scenarios and test their impact on our future.

The Very Simple Climate Model: This interactive tool can help kids understand how the rate of fossil fuel pollution correlates to global warming. The model lets them try out scenarios and test their impact on our future.

Recommended Viewing

There is no shortage of videos, movies, podcasts, and other media educating young and old about the climate crisis. Including our own collection of videos and webinars, we share some of our favorites below, as well as outside sources for videos your whole family can enjoy together.


 Sunsquatch’s Favorites: Videos

TED Talk: How to turn climate anxiety into action | Reneé Lertzman

TED Ed: Climate Change: Earth’s Giant Game of Tetris

National Geographic: Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye

TED Talk: How empowering women and girls can help stop global warming | Dr. Katherine Wilkinson

TED Talk: School strike for climate | Greta Thunberg

Climate Science: What You Need To Know